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ISSN : 2233-6710(Print)
ISSN : 2384-2121(Online)
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling Vol.10 No.2 pp.23-36

Systemic Perspective of Conduct Disorder in Adolescents

Charmayne R. Adams1, Nancy E. Thacker2
1 University of Nebraska
2 Auburn University
Corresponding Author
Charmayne R. Adams, Department of Counseling, University of Nebraska, 6001 University Drive, Omaha, NE, 68182


Conduct disorder has become an increasing burden on families, communities, and school systems (Barry et al., 2013; Baker, 2009). Often associated with an increase in rates of injury, vehicular accidents, poor educational outcomes, and interpersonal aggression, conduct disorder is a predictor of future violent behavior (Henggeler, Cunningham, Pickrel, Schoenwald, & Brondino, 1996; Potter, 2014; Barry, Golmaryami, Rivera-Hudson, & Frick, 2013). Therefore, the availability and utilization of valid, reliable, and consistent screening and interventions for conduct disorder is imperative. This article addresses the systemic nature of the symptomology and interventions most effective with conduct disorder through an ecological systems lens. A case illustration is utilized to highlight Bronfenbrenner’s (1981, 1994) Ecological Model and offers ways in which the model can be used as a tool to conceptualize the systematic nature of conduct disorder.



