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ISSN : 2233-6710(Print)
ISSN : 2384-2121(Online)
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling Vol.8 No.1 pp.19-36

A Latent Class Analysis of Risky Sexual Behavior Among Korean University Students

Sung-Man Shin1, Myung-Jun Park1, Yeonggeun Park1, Jeongwoon Jeong2, Jonghyun Oh1
1Handong Global University
2The University of Iowa
Corresponding Author
Jonghyun Oh, Office of Institutional Research, Handong Global University, 558 Handong-ro, Buk-gu, Pohang, South Korea.


The aims of this study were to 1) identify the latent statuses of Korean university students related to risky sexual behaviors, 2) identify variables related to the classification of latent statuses, and 3) examine differences in university adjustment among the latent statuses. The results showed that Korean university students may be classified into four latent statuses in relation to risky sexual behaviors: “daters,” “monogamous safe,” “monogamous exposed,” and “multipartner exposed.” Students with more liberal sexual attitudes were more likely to belong to the multipartner exposed status than to the other statuses. There were some differences in university adjustment scores and grade point averages among the latent statuses. Specifically, individuals in the multipartner exposed status had the lowest grade point average and satisfaction with their academic major than did individuals in the other latent statuses. The findings are compared with those of previous studies and studies from other countries and the implications of the results are discussed, especially in relation to individuals in the multipartner exposed status.



