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ISSN : 2233-6710(Print)
ISSN : 2384-2121(Online)
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling Vol.4 No.2 pp.217-245

Journal of Counselling in the Asia-Pacific Region: Locating School Counseling in the Asian-Pacific Region in a Global Context. Brief Reflections on a Scoping Review of School Counseling Internationally

Belinda Harris1

1University of Nottingham
Accepted July 16, 2014


In recent years, school-based counseling has become increasingly recognized by national governments across the globeas a legitimate activity to support and augment children and young people’s journey through compulsory education.This paper draws on the findings of a scoping review of school-based counseling services in state schools around theglobe, and focuses specifically on the provision of school-based counseling in the East and Southeast Asia Pacific andOceania regions. It examines the status and prevalence of this provision, the nature of the school-based counselor’swork, the qualifications and experience required to become a school counselor, and the therapeutic orientation guidingpractice. The findings indicate that whilst there are differences in the substance of the work, the qualifications andexperiences needed for practice, and the way this work is organized and delivered in East and Southeast Asia Pacificand Oceania countries, the region is characterized by a high degree of commitment and investment on the part ofnational governments. Specifically, these governments share similar agendas and concerns about the mental health,well-being, and career trajectories of children and young people. Further, the region stands up well internationally andcould have a valuable role to play in augmenting the evidence base for school counseling practice, sharing goodpractice, and helping other regions seeking to develop and implement culturally-informed school-based counseling.

This paper is based on a research project (MindEd) funded by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapyand the Department of Health, UK. My thanks to Professor Mick Cooper and the MindEd Steering Group members fortheir support for the author during the research process.

Corresponding Author
Belinda Harris, School of Education, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham,
Wollaton Road, Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK.
