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ISSN : 2233-6710(Print)
ISSN : 2384-2121(Online)
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling Vol.3 No.1 pp.35-43

Culture-Centered Perspectives on Disaster and Crisis Counseling

Cirecie West-Olatunji, Eunhui Yoon

University of Cincinnati
University of Florida
Received October 31, 2012, Accepted February 12, 2013


Due to the increase in natural and human-made disasters, trained counselors are needed who are able to respond to the variousneeds of individuals, provide systemic support and help reconstruct disaster areas. This article presents the impact of disastersand crises on people and communities' needs, and how counselors are able to contribute and emphasizes the culture-centereddisaster counseling model as an effective counseling support toward vulnerable populations in crisis. Furthermore, it providessuggestions for professional counselors, counselor educators, counseling training programs, and researchers on how to improveand implement the cultural-centered crisis counseling approach.
