ISSN : 2233-6710(Print)
ISSN : 2384-2121(Online)
ISSN : 2384-2121(Online)
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling Vol.3 No.1 pp.9-33
Career Counseling in Asian Countries: Historical Development, Current Status, Challenges, and Prospects
Received December 31, 2012, Accepted February 12, 2013
Career counseling development and practice are closely related to the cultural and economic backgrounds of a given country. In this study,career counseling in Asian countries is investigated in terms of historical development, current status in academic and community settings,challenges, and future prospects. The researchers who participated in this paper are from Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Career counseling hasrapidly expanded during the past decade in all three countries and the histories and current situations of career counseling share somecommonalities as well as differ with some unique aspects. In this process, governments seem to have played a leading role in setting laws andregulations, developing and funding career and employment centers, and developing licensure or credential systems for career counselingprofessionals. The career counseling profession of these three countries faces similar opportunities and challenges. As a result, the role of careercounseling professionals is more important and necessary than ever in the midst of rapidly changing work environments. Also, the active supportfrom the governments of Korea, Japan, and Taiwan suggest a promising future for career counseling field to further develop. Challenges includeincreasing career counseling professionals’ competency, developing individualized career services for diverse clientele, and developingempirically validated career interventions. The international collaboration seems to be beneficial for us to cope with common challenges.