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ISSN : 2233-6710(Print)
ISSN : 2384-2121(Online)
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling Vol.2 No.1 pp.109-120

The Role of Gender and Personality Traits in the Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy of Korean College Students

Hyunsil Yoo, Ji-hyeon Kim

Dankook University
Hongik University
Received October 17, 2011, Revision received January 29, 2012, Accepted February 10, 2012


This study examined the moderating effects of gender in relation to five-factor personality traits and career decision-making selfefficacyof Korean college students. Data were collected from 392 university freshmen in Korea, and analyzed by means of thehierarchical multiple regression technique, in order to evaluate the unique contribution of the interaction effect. The findingsindicate that gender moderates the relationship between the five-factor traits and CDMSE. Specifically, conscientiousness is themost useful predictor of CDMSE for male students, while meaningless was clearly the most useful predictor of CDMSE for femalestudents. Further discussions are recommended regarding the differential effects of personality traits on career-related variablesacross genders.
