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ISSN : 2233-6710(Print)
ISSN : 2384-2121(Online)
Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling Vol.2 No.1 pp.1-17

Crossing Cultural Boundaries: Extending the Important Role of Coping in Developing Cross-National Cultural Competencies

Puncky P. Heppner, Kenneth T. Wang, Mary J. Heppner

University of Missouri
Received January 31, 2012, Accepted February 20, 2012


How an individual copes with the stressors associated with being a sojourner has been given a central role in majoracculturation models. Coping in a new cultural context can be described as a series of ups and downs, an ongoing process oftrial and error, a seemingly never ending, cyclical, and iterative process. This article extends the discourse on how copingaffects cultural adaptation, and ultimately the development of cross-cultural competencies. We use two cases to illustrate andcontextualize the coping process within a model of Cross-National Cultural Competence (CNCC: P. Heppner, K. Wang, M.Heppner, & L.-F.Wang, in press). Future areas of coping research are identified to extend the cultural adaptation literature andthe development of cross-cultural competencies.
